我很喜歡中國節慶的故事, 除了說給孩子們聽之外, 我也很喜歡跟外師們分享, 外師對於中國節慶超級有興趣的呢! 
"Monster Nian" 是我最喜歡的故事, 因為在班上上課可以有很多的互動! 事先準備一些圖卡, 像是年的圖片, 鞭炮, 紅色的紙, 等等跟故事相關的圖片,對於小的孩子們比要容易了解! 


The Chinese New Year Story

Long ago, the world was not a safe place; monsters dominated the world. There was one horrifying monster that came out on the same day each year to eat people. This monster was named Nian, and the people marked the end of a year by his visits to the human civilization. That is where the Chinese word for year came from.

This monster was the most feared by the people because every time it came out, whole villages would be destroyed at a time. So, every time the monster came, people would huddle together in their homes and stay up all night, wanting not to be eaten. This happened for many years until a wise man thought up a plan to scare the monster away. 


當然故事可以自己簡化, 說完故事, 已經可以造句的孩子我會請他們在將故事Re-tell一次, 然後變成他們的Story! 我很愛用六格漫畫的方式來帶領! 
1. 介紹年獸(There is a monster, Nian. It lives in the mountain....) 
2. It likes to eat animals and people. Everyone is afraid of the monster.
3.On that day everyone will hide in the house or move to other villages.
4. There is a wise old man staying in the village. He uses red paper and firecrackers to scare the monster.
5. Then, people set off the firecrackers and put on the red paper on the door.
6. Nian runs away and back to the mountain. Everyone says "Gong Xi" to each other.

簡單的故事可以在班上一起完成, 然後請孩子們回家發揮想像力來畫圖, 我們都清楚孩子們的創造力無限的! 當然比較大的孩子可以用過去式來說故事, 也是文法時態上的練習嚕!

說故事:  影片檔請到新家^^

找到一個老師自己做的活動頁, 跟我習慣用的方式差不多, 給大家參考! 



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