這是講完年獸故事後和孩子們一起Re-tell Stroy, 寫下一些句子讓孩子們自行填空一些基本單字, 當然他們可以自己創造屬於他們的年獸故事! 

Frank's work

Long time ago, there is a monster, Nian. He likes to eat pepole and animals. Everyone is afraid of the Monster. They hide in the school. (house) There is a smart Roger. He waits for the monster. He uses the red papaer and firecrackers to scare the monster. Then, the monster runs away. Everyone is very happy and says Gong xi.

Tony's work

下面是請孩子們上台用字卡來將故事重述一次, 加深他們的印象! Frank 是個超級討喜的孩子,  他讓整個班級的氣氛一值都是維持在很亢奮的狀態, 做什麼活動他都很開心! 



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