Hey everyone,
        I am back in Paris for a night. And now i am staying in a nice couch of a friend in Paris. I should be in bed 4 hours ago. But this is the only chance i can use the computer to reply some emails and checking the information online. I am doing well here. I enjoy  my trip very well including, the wrong  booking, can not understand French, wrong bus, cannot find my hostel, and meet some nice people here. I wanna share lots of pictures but I really dont have time to upload the photos. Generally, I walk about 6-12 hours day. When I am back to hotel. I was sooo tired. 

    Here are some photos of my trip in Belgium, uploaded by Victorya, my friend in Brugge.  I joined a CS meeting. I met some nice people. So we plan to go back again in September before back to Taiwan.

the day in Brugge

CS meeting in Antwerpen

The weather is cool here about 20-25 in Paris. In Avignon is better about 25-28.
But in Belgium and Holland most of the time is 18-22. Just hope it wont be soo cold when I am back to Holland.

I should sleep a bit. I need to catch the train at 8  30  in the morning and now its almost four. I am going to Germany tomorrow.

Hope everyone do well in Taiwan.

In Paris




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