父親節要到了, 每次往往都是做卡片, 今年想來點不一樣的^ ^

找了幾首poetry 覺得很棒哩!!!   來讓孩子朗讀一下好了~~

by A. E. and M. Keary

OUT in the morning Father goes,
Whether it pours with rain or snows,
Whether the wild wind beats and blows: —
    By the fire sit Mother and I
    Doing our lessons quietly.

Back in the twilight Father comes,
When I've finished with books and sums.
Not all the noise of all the drums
    Is a jollier noise, I know,
    Than Father when he says, "Hallo!"


A Father Means
— Author Unknown —

A Father means so many things ...
A understanding heart,
A source of strength and of support
Right from the very start.
A constant readiness to help
In a kind and thoughtful way.
With encouragement and forgiveness
No matter what comes your way.
A special generosity and always affection, too
A Father means so many things
When he's a man like you ...

這兩首我都好喜歡, 不過對可能對高級數的孩子們比較容易了解吧!!所以看到下面這個部分讓我想到Rebecca 分享的Family的定義^^ (我都會跟孩子們說喔^^) 決定讓孩子做個有趣的活動! 來讚美我們親愛的父親^^


更多有關父親節的poetry: http://www.lovetolearnplace.com/SpecialDays/Father/FathersDayPoetry.html#anchor155066

http://www.donnasholidaysentiments.com/dadpoems.html (還蠻適合寫在卡片裡面的喔^^)

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